
How Your Thoughts Affect Your Health

If there is something that you are responsible for, it is the way you think.
The more you hold on to anger, resentment, hatred, fear, the more you will attract just that!

Anger produces of cortisol. This will accelerate the heart make your hands sweat and make you breathe fast. This is what we call in FIGHT FLIGHT FREEZE mode.

 As if you were prepared to defend yourself or attack someone.
Can you imagine being like this all the time? You would be exhausted!

Think of it, someone jumps out of a bush on a dark night and scares you!
What happens?

Your heart skips a beat and you stop breathing for a few seconds.
Well, this is what happens to your organs when you don’t let go of anger, resentment or fear. The body becomes exhausted and it let’s you know through infection, diseases or organ failure.

It could also be the cause of migraines, digestive pain and cancer.
Did you know that we have 3 brains? One of which is the intestins?

If you are constantly in FIGHT mode, your body will not be able to absorb nutrients correctly and
will not fight off infections.
It is so important that your gut be in alignment with your 2 other brains (heart and cerebral brain)

Now let’s take the cerebral brain. The newest part is called the Neo Cortex. It is in charge of your future visions.
If you visualize for less than 60 seconds, you will reinforce your brain cells and create a feeling.

Try this; think of sitting by the beach and eating some ice-cream. Feel it on your tongue when you lick it. What taste comes to mind when it hits the pallet? Feel the cold ice-cream slowly go down your throat.

As you do this exercise, your brain will send a signal to your body that you are actually eating, even though you are not physically eating. Your mouth will start to water to welcome the ice-cream.

You see...a thought = a chemical reaction.
The equation is quite simple:
You think bad things + you will attract bad things = your body will simply produce bad things.

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